Thursday, September 18, 2008


135x3 Clean and Jerk
155x3 C&J
165x2 C&J, but I only did the jerk once
175x1 C&J (PR)
185x1 Clean
195x1 Clean (PR) - I was so surprised by this I took off the weights and weighed the bar to make sure it was 45 lbs.
195x1 Clean
195x1 Clean
195x1 Clean

I've been trying to clean 195 for like the past 9 months. Putting on 50 lbs on my deadlift, 30 lbs on my squat, and doing some more shoulder exercises didn't help. In fact, I'm weaker now after I hurt my left hamstring. Just last week I couldn't even clean 185. So it must've been the hanging leg raises and my much improved abs.

Overhead Press:
135x2, 135x3, 135x2, 135x2

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