Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Tried some front squats + push presses (never tried push presses before) after seeing a t-nation article about it. But my right deltoid was apparently still kind of sore from benching last time, so I decided to do it next time.

I've also decided to add in a direct arm work / calf stuff the day after leg day, starting this week. (Probably going to focus on shoulders, obliques, calves, deltoids, curls, overhead pressing.)


A few sets of light front squats / push presses.

Front Squats:
power clean + 157x10, power clean + 157x10, power clean + 155x10, 165x7 (7th rep was absolutely brutal), 165x5, 165x6

(157 lbs is from using a 5kg bumper plate.)

I also managed to eat at least 3000 calories today. I recently got a blender which I throw tons of fruit / whey into. Seems like a great high calorie post-workout shake.

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