Sunday, December 7, 2008


Haven't lifted in the past few days due to a couple hard sets.

Was going to do squats but it was taken, so I did a barbell complex endurance workout.

Basically I repeated power clean + 2 front squats + push press + 2 hang cleans with 155 until I couldn't do anymore sets, and then I did the same with 145.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Did 5 sets with little rest:

10 dips, 6 wide grip pullups, 10 hanging leg raises
10 dips, 6 wide grip pullups, 10 hanging leg raises
10 dips, 6 wide grip pullups, 10 hanging leg raises
10 dips, 4 wide grip pullups + 2 parallel chinups, 10 hanging leg raises
10 dips, 6 chinups, 10 hanging leg raises

Then a few hours later I did a little boxing.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Hm, squats seems to be down a bit, but I think that's just because I did a small leg workout yesterday and I've been doing a lot more leg endurance than low rep workouts.

Back Squats:
135x6, 185x6, 205x6, 225x6, 235x3, 225x3

Dumbbell Lunges:

(PR) - 2 80 lb. dumbbells x 6 on each leg

Thursday, November 27, 2008


First time going to the gym in like 5 days because I've been doing a project.

Dumbbell Bench:
80's x 6, 90's x 6, 95's x 4

Dumbbell Rows:
90 x 10, 90 x 10, 95 x 6

Leg Raises:
32.5 lbs x 11

70 lbs x 5

Back Squats:
205x6 (Too tired to finish legs, so I did them later that night at like 5 AM.)

Front Squats:
135x10, 155x6, 175x6

Friday, November 21, 2008


Tried to do a few sets of power cleans today.

135x2, 155x2, 165x2, 175x2, 185x1, 195x1 (PR), 205x1 (FAIL)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Did an upper body endurance workout yesterday. My workout partner and I alternated doing sets so that there was about a minute rest between sets.

Set 1: 10 dips, 10 wide grip pullups, 10 hanging leg raises
Set 2: 10 dips, 10 wide grip pullups, 10 hanging leg raises
Set 3: 10 dips, 4 wide grip pullups + 2 parallel chinups, 10 hanging leg raises

Water Break

Set 4: 10 dips, 4 chinups, 10 hanging leg raises
Set 5: 10 dips, 4 chinups, 10 hanging leg raises
Set 6: 7 dips, 4 chinups, 10 hanging leg raises

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The strength endurance program is going pretty well; finally PR'ed in my deadlift after the injury with 315x6. (Yesterday's workout was deadlifts: 135x6, 225x6, 245x6, 275x6, 295x6, 315x6).

Benched 205x6 easily again even though just last week I failed at 205x2. I've been doing a lot of workouts with minimal rest between sets just benching 155-165 for 10 reps.

The barbell complexes have helped my shoulders a lot, and my endurance is probably much better than it was before. Last barbell complex workout was something like: power clean, 2 front squats, push press, 2 hang cleans with 155 and low rest times between sets.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


It's pretty depressing, my bench seems to be permanently shot down by like 30 lbs.

I think I'll try to switch more towards strength endurance by doing closer to 10 reps with little rest between sets.

My last workout was a barbell complex workout with 135 lbs. Basically I did a power clean, 2 front squats, a push press, and 2 hang cleans. Then I went immediately to get a drink of water and would try to do another set immediately. I did this for about 40 minutes before I stopped and just did some dumbbell lunges and bulgarian split squats to finish off my legs.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Pretty much the worst upper body workout ever.

I guess I haven't done chest in a week or two so I ended up benching 185x7 max. My rows were roughly the same, and my abs were really weak. Hopefully I'll catch up by the next workout session.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Did a 4 sets of ~100m sprints as well a set of shuffles. Sprints definitely don't feel as hard as they used to; even the shuffles felt pretty easy. I feel that my start is pretty bad though, as my partner always is ahead of me in the first few steps.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hm... haven't been eating all that much lately. I also haven't gone to the gym in a little bit because those squats left my legs extremely sore for the past few days. The past few days I just did a little fighting and played some broomball.

I should start eating 3 subs + shakes again.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Yesterday I ended up fighting two more people. I lost once and won the 2nd fight.

Today, I did a (surprise) boxing workout. Did 6 sets of 30 seconds of hitting a stationary heavy bag. I felt much better today than any other boxing day, and was able to finish the 6 sets without being totally gassed.

The 5th set wasn't 30 seconds though because my workout partner accidently stopped the watch at 0:11. So I just did 10 more seconds of really intense hitting.

My legs feel extremely sore from squats yesterday, and now my upper body will probably be sore too.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Had a great workout today:


135x6, 185x6, 205x6, 215x6, 225x6, 235x6, 245x6, 265x1

Then I went to Subway and the grocery store before going to Fleming (my dorm). I brought boxing gloves there and we had a mini boxing tournament. Basically I used my height to keep people's heads down and then started wailing on the back of their heads. I fought 2 guys, one guy who was 175-180 lbs and the other who was 135 lbs. Surprisingly the 135 lb. guy gave me a run for my money; I definitely underestimated him.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Did 3 sets of: curls, dumbbell overhead press, calf raises, lateral raises, upright rows and 2 sets of abs.

I think my schedule will look like this from now on:
Legs one day, Upper body the next day, Off, Repeat

Legs will alternate between: cleans, deadlifts, squats, and sprints
Upper body will be like: chest/back/tri/bi/abs x 2, miscellaneous exercises like today, boxing

Hopefully I'll have time for this during the school year.

Sunday, October 5, 2008



205x6, 225x6, 245x6, 275x6, 295x6, 315x1

The YMCA definitely has thicker bars than most gyms. Today's been a pretty good day in terms of food: 3 subway footlongs + shake with tons of grapes, 1 apple, peanut butter, nonfat plain yogurt, and 51g of whey so far.

Friday, October 3, 2008



205x6, 215x6, 225x2, 175x4

Even though I did 225x4 before school started, I realize that I took a huge break between sets in order to do that. My left pec felt really sore, so I decided to just try and do 175x10, but I only did 4 because I didn't want to get injured.

1-Arm Rows:

90x10, 90x10, 95x10 (but only 6 on L arm?), 95x10 (but only 6 on L arm?)

Leg Raises:



90 lbs for 1 min - this felt more tiring on my arms and back

Tuesday, September 30, 2008



135x3 C&J
155x2, failed 2nd jerk due to rushing it
165x2 C&J, failed 2nd jerk
175x1 clean (failed jerk)
205x1 (FAIL)

No complaints here; I think I just failed the jerks because I wasn't focused enough.

Yesterday I drank whey protein for the first time in a while and my stomach felt like crap because of lactose intolerance even though I only drank 34g in the afternoon and at night.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Arrived at Caltech and finally went to the gym again.

Did upper body today, but I was feeling really tired.


205x6, 215x6 (The 6th rep was probably the slowest one I've ever done, and I subconsciously started arching my back which caused some soreness in my lower right back.), 225x1

1-Arm Rows:

90x10, 90x10, 95x6


Hanging Leg Raises to failure.
Leg Raises: 35x3

Hopefully I'll feel stronger next time.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Did some running this morning at 7 AM even though it was slightly drizzly.

There's 5 adjacent tennis courts near my house, so I went there to do some speed work.

I did sprints across the width of the 5 courts (exercise A), sprints across 5 courts and then immediately turn around and sprint 5 courts again (B), straddles across 5 courts on right leg and then turning around and straddling 5 courts on left leg (C), and shuffles in the same manner as exercise C (D).

My workout looked like this:


Man, my legs / heart haven't been as tired as when I finished that set of shuffles (D). I had to walk around for a long time before I recovered; I guess it's because I'm not used to moving my legs in that plane.

Also, I found this video to be really entertaining and informative:
Money as Debt

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Preacher Curls:

68x4, 68x6, 68x5, 68x5

Incline Bench:

145x10, 155x10, 165x8, 175x5


2 sets of lateral raises w/ 20 lbs in each arm
2 sets of other deltoid exercise that I don't know the name of


110x12, 110x11, 110x10, 110x11

Leg Raises:

40 x 3, couldn't attempt a 4th rep because apparently 40 lbs causes the bench to start flipping over... I guess I'll have to start putting dumbbells or plates on the base of the bench to keep it steady

Decided to cut my workout short and not finish abs or do upright rows.



I didn't want to go too heavy since my left hamstring was sort of hurting while doing a lot of walking last week, so I did some sets of 10 and didn't go too heavy.

185x10, 205x10, 225x10, 245x6, 275x3, 275x3

This seems pretty ridiculous:
Better than steroids?

100 --> 616 pullups in 1 day?!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Did about 30 minutes worth of boxing. Didn't time my sets, so I just did sets lasting probably 10-15 seconds. I don't know if I was just tired or what, but I couldn't really push myself to do longer sets.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


135x3 Clean and Jerk
155x3 C&J
165x2 C&J, but I only did the jerk once
175x1 C&J (PR)
185x1 Clean
195x1 Clean (PR) - I was so surprised by this I took off the weights and weighed the bar to make sure it was 45 lbs.
195x1 Clean
195x1 Clean
195x1 Clean

I've been trying to clean 195 for like the past 9 months. Putting on 50 lbs on my deadlift, 30 lbs on my squat, and doing some more shoulder exercises didn't help. In fact, I'm weaker now after I hurt my left hamstring. Just last week I couldn't even clean 185. So it must've been the hanging leg raises and my much improved abs.

Overhead Press:
135x2, 135x3, 135x2, 135x2

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Had no idea you could cheat this much in cleans.

The description says his previous "max" was 245.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



205x6, 215x6 (PR), 225x4(PR)

I tried 245x1 and asked someone to spot me who I had just spotted earlier. He told me to never touch the bar unless he asked, and I told him to do the same thing when he spotted me. But halfway through the 245 bench, he put his hands on the bar and helped me lift it up even though I thought I could probably do it.


Leg Raise - 35 x 10
Hanging Leg Raises - 3 sets to failure
Super Decline Situps - 40 lbs x 10 (Put a decline situp machine on an elevated platform.)

Overhead Press:

95x8, 105x6, 115x4, 125x1

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Tried to have a back day, but it failed.

Started off with 12 wide grip pullups, which I thought were a good warmup. After that, my back felt so tired that I never did more than 2 more pullups. I tried doing some barbell / seated machine rows, which I only did a couple reps with. Since my last back day was about a week ago, it must've been the boxing after the squats (and maybe the preacher curls?) that did it.

I also did a few sets of barbell overhead presses with 115 lbs.

Friday, September 12, 2008



Seems like most of my strength is back!

185x6, 205x6, 215x6, 225x6, 235x6, 245x6, 265x1, 275x1 (FAIL)

And my left hamstring showed pretty much no pain.

Also did a little untimed boxing at the end of the workout.


Did everything that I never do:

Tricep Extensions:

4 sets of 6-10 reps with 100-120 lbs.

Preacher Curls:

4 sets of 6-8 reps with EZ bar + 50 lbs. (an EZ bar weighs 18 lbs?)

Calf Raises:

4 sets of 14-16 with 90-100 lbs


Did 4 sets of deltoid exercises: front raises, lateral raises, isometric holds with arms in front.


Leg Raises: 35x10 (PR?)
2 sets of hanging leg raises to failure.


3 sets of upright rows.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008



225x6, 245x6, 265x6, 295x2 (grip failed again; did a 3rd and 4th rep with short breaks in between reps, but the weight was pretty much falling out of my right hand during the 4th rep), 315x1, 315x1

Monday, September 8, 2008


Dumbbell Bench:

70's x 10, 80's x 10, 90's x 6, 100's x 3

Incline Bench:

135 x 7, 135 x 7, 135 x 4

Weighted Situps:

45's x 6

Leg Raises:

35 x 4

Hanging Leg Raises:

2 sets to failure

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Did a bunch of back/bicep exercises - weighted chinups, seated rows for 10 reps, heavy lat pulldowns, wide grip pullups, and 3 sets of curls.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Going to try going to the gym every day since.... there's nothing else to do.


Tried some clean and jerks today.

All of these are for 1 rep:
135, 135, 135, 145, 145, 155, 155, 165, 165

I repeated the same weights a bunch of times to get my form back since it had been a long time since I'd done cleans.

I failed the 175 jerk, but was able to clean 175 twice. I failed the 185 clean.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Upper body day:


195x6, 205x6, 215x5 (PR), 225x1 - I only did 1 because I didn't have a spotter, and I wanted to save my tricep strength for my next workout, where I'll try full Olympic style clean and jerks.

Seated Machine Rows:

180x6, 180x8, 180x7, 180x6, 180x6

4 sets of Farmer's Walks with 2 80 lb. dumbbells.

4 sets of abs:

decline situps w/ 45's -> 5 reps

leg raise w/ 40 -> 1 really slow rep

2 sets of hanging leg raises (about 9 or 10 reps)

Monday, September 1, 2008


Did 6 sets of sprints in front of my house today (don't know the distance, hopefully it was about 100m).

Also did a mega back/bicep day when coming back from Caltech... it involved a ton of pullups and curls... like probably 5 sets of weighted pullups, 3 sets of lat pulldowns, and 8 sets of curls.

The next day was chest/abs day... could only bench 225x1, but that's probably because there was almost no rest between sets.

I noticed that my grip is significantly weaker, as I tried 285x6 deadlift but couldn't really get it because my grip kept causing the weight to fall.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


It was supposed to be a leg day, but I ended up doing 6 sets of 30 seconds of boxing. Today my back and abs are pretty tired. Since I didn't want to skip legs, I did 2 sets of 205x6 squats which turned out to be really difficult. I'm not sure if it's because I was completely exhausted or if it's because of my injury... but I guess I'll find out the next time I do legs.

I spent the next few hours before sleeping eating 2/3 box Cheerios (600 calories) and drinking some cantaloupe/whey protein/yogurt shake.

Monday, August 18, 2008

8/15, 8/17


Tried deadlifts again - went surprisingly well... I think my injury is going away fast:

185x6, 205x6, 225x6, 245x6, 265x6, 285x6


195x6, 205x6, 215x4, 225x3


70x3, 80x3, 90x3, 105x1

Leg Raises:



40's x 10

I've also been eating more again - last night I biked to Denny's and ate 2 grand slam breakfast meals. My workout partner is now 178 lbs, which is a whopping 13 lbs more than what I weighed in at.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


My leg is still injured, but it's healing because yesterday I was able to do 205x6 deadlift pretty easily with no pain.

Also did 185x4 incline bench, some power cleans @ 155, 4 1 arm chinups with ~45 lb assist, and an easy 90 lb plank for 1 min (I attribute this to the ab-killing boxing).

After the gym my hallway had an "Alley UFC Fight" which was EXTREMELY tiring. We basically just wailed on each other with the sparring/boxing gloves and I constantly attempted to go for take downs and then mount them.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Legs are still crappy/injured.
Chinup: 90 lb max
Bench: 235 max
Abs have never felt stronger.

Also bought:

for $13 (guess they just raised the price) since my dorm is going to get a punching bag and I just found out the gym has one too. It's a pretty good replacement for sprints now that I'm injured.

2 days ago I did 6 sets of 30 sec of punching, which left my abs cramping, my heart pounding, and my back really really tired.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Haven't posted in a while, but basically I'm doing full body workouts every other day in order to rehab my left hamstring at every workout and gain on upper body.

Generally my workout looks like:

Bench, Pullups, Abs, High-Rep Legs x 3 sets

Sunday, July 13, 2008


2 hours of kayaking at Huntington Beach - tried to sprint as fast as possible, take a break, repeat

all in all it wasn't too tiring



5 sets of 20 at 135 lbs.

Forgot to post about 7/9:

Bench: 185x6, 195x6, 205x5, 215x3, 225x1
Seated Cable Rows: 140x10, 160x6, 160x6, 160x6, 150x8
Weighted Plank: 90 lbs for 1:05

Monday, July 7, 2008


50th post:

Decided to take 4 days off lifting.
Even though my left hamstring still isn't healed, I was still able to do lunges:

Dumbbell Lunges:

2 50's x 6 on each leg
60's x 6
70's x 6
75's x 5
85's x 4
95's x 2

A few sets of seated/standing calf raises.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008



165x10, 175x10, 185x9, 165x9, 155x10

Seated Cable Rows:

140x10, 160x10, 140x10, 150x10, 140x10

For some reason this absolutely killed my left bicep.

Leg Raises:

37.5x6, 37.5x5

Weighted Plank:

90 for 0:35? (didn't have a stop watch, just counted)

It seem my left hamstring (which moof injured years ago) is hurting again.

Monday, June 30, 2008



225x6, 255x6, 285x6, 315x4, 345x1, 365x1 (PR)

It's strange that I always do sets of 6 or less for deadlifts, yet I keep hitting new PR's regardless... I should probably do sets of 10 next workout.

Also did 3 sets of side lateral raises and 3 sets of upright rows.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Feel like my appetite's been increasing since I now usually eat 1.5 footlongs per meal from Subway.


175x10, 185x10 (chest felt really tired after this), 195x7, 195x7, 195x5

1-Arm Rows:

I'm going to start doing barbell rows since the gym has nothing over 100 lbs for dumbells (you can't grab a 10 and a 100 in one arm very well either.)

90x10, 100x10, 100x12, 100x12, 100x10

Leg Raises:


Weighted Situps:

2 45's x 6

Weighted Plank:

70 for 0:50

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I don't even remember the last time I had a day for direct arm work, but here it goes:

Dumbbell Curls: 30's x 10, 32.5 x 10, 37.5 x 10, 40 x 5
Dumbbell Overhead Press: 40's x 10, 45 x 10, 50 x 10, 55 x 4
Upright Rows: 90 x 7, 100 x 6, 100 x 6, 90 x 5
Side Lateral Raises: 20's x 6 or 7 for 3 sets, 17.5 x 3
Oblique Side Bend: 100 x 10 for 3 sets
Seated Calf Raises: 90 x 10, 90 x 16, 90 x 16, 90 x 14

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Tried some front squats + push presses (never tried push presses before) after seeing a t-nation article about it. But my right deltoid was apparently still kind of sore from benching last time, so I decided to do it next time.

I've also decided to add in a direct arm work / calf stuff the day after leg day, starting this week. (Probably going to focus on shoulders, obliques, calves, deltoids, curls, overhead pressing.)


A few sets of light front squats / push presses.

Front Squats:
power clean + 157x10, power clean + 157x10, power clean + 155x10, 165x7 (7th rep was absolutely brutal), 165x5, 165x6

(157 lbs is from using a 5kg bumper plate.)

I also managed to eat at least 3000 calories today. I recently got a blender which I throw tons of fruit / whey into. Seems like a great high calorie post-workout shake.

Sunday, June 22, 2008



195x6, 205x6, 215x4, 225x1, 235x1 (PR)

1-Arm Rows:

90x10, 95x10, 95x10, 100x10, 100x10

My rows have never felt stronger.

Leg Raises:

35x6, 35x6, 35x3


55 for 1:00

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I went swimming for a bit today mostly for fun. Only swam for < 30 min. I was going to go to the gym but forgot that it closed at 7:30 PM. Guess I'll go tomorrow.



205 x 6, 225x6, 255x6, 295x6, 345x1, 365x1 (FAIL)

Thursday, June 19, 2008



185x6, 195x6, 205x6, 225x2, 235x1 (FAIL)

1-Arm Rows:

90x10, 90x10, 95x10, 95x10, 100x6 on R arm, 100x8 on L arm

I'm pretty sure my L arm is stronger than my R.

Weighted Plank:

This was the exercise I described horribly last time:

1:15 w/ 45 lb. plate, 1:00 + 45 lb, 0:45 + 45 lb

Monday, June 16, 2008



185x10, 195x10, 205x10, 225x5, 255x1

Man sets of 10 are hard. Only did a few sets since I arrived at the gym 40 min before closing.

Friday, June 13, 2008


So I'm farther in my project than I expected, so I actually lifted today.


185x6, 195x6, 205x5, 215x3 (just couldn't get the 4th rep, got stuck halfway up), 225x1

1-Arm Dumbbell Row:
100x6, 100x6, 90x10, 90x10, 90x10

Since I've ALWAYS been doing leg raises/weighted situps for abs, today I decided to do the ab-wheel roll thing with a barbell and doing that thing where you get into a pushup position with weight on your back and instead of your hands on the ground, your forearms are on the ground.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Didn't eat that much food throughout the day (just 2 subway footlongs), so 2 hours before sleeping I ate around... 1 lb of scrambled eggs with some potatoes. (These are the instant-low quality scrambled eggs served at breakfast locations...) I wonder if that's unhealthy...

Basically we have this breakfast buffet special this week, but I forgot that I could just go and get seconds instead of loading up on the first plate. So naturally I put tons and tons of food on my first plate, way more than I could handle.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Still have a project and an infinite time final due before Fri... the final is totally kicking my ass so probably won't lift till Fri.

Hopefully I can get 205x6 on bench for at least 1 set, and then I'll probably aim to do 6x100m on Sunday - either that or like 10 sets of cleans (hoping for a 195 or possibly even 205 clean), either of which will be super brutal.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008



185x6, 225x6, 255x6, 295x6, 335x1 (PR), 315x3

Last time I did deadlifts I struggled with 295x1... I also told a friend today that my goal over the summer would be to deadlift 365... but I think my new goal will be 405.

Saturday, June 7, 2008



185x6, 195x6, 205x4, 215x3, 205x2

1-Arm Dumbbell Rows:

100x4, 100x6, 100x6, 100x6, 100x6 (my pinky seems to still sort of hurt from doing cleans a while back, so I had trouble gripping the 100)

Leg Raises:

35x6, 35x4

Weighted Situps:


A few sets of over head presses and upright rows for shoulders.

Friday, June 6, 2008


My legs are still extremely sore from the squats... but messed up today and ate < 2000 calories. This is partially because I already used all the declining balance I had for campus food. So today I cooked 8 steaks for the next week. All I have is Cheerios, Milk, Whey, Tuna, and Steak.... no vegetables or fruit (who needs them anyway).

Wednesday, June 4, 2008



185x6, 205x6, 215x6, 225x6, 245x6, 265x1, 285x1 (FAIL - got up halfway before collapsing), 275x1 (PR)

pretty good considering I haven't done back squats in a while

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Did some tiring "sled" work for 2 hours... basically I helped move a lot of wood around, which was especially hard when I had to pull on a dolly that had multiple boards on it and when one of the wheels broke, leaving me to support what that wheel should've supported.


Barbell Bench:

185x6, 195x6, 205x5, 205x4, 200 (partner loaded wrong plate when I asked for 195) x1 and then 185x3

Weighted Chins:

60x3, 70x3, 80x2, 80x2, 70x2 (looks my chins got a lot weaker...)

One Arm Chins:

58 lb. assist x 4 on right arm, x 3 on left arm

Weighted Situps:

80x10, 70x4

Leg Raises:



80x4 immediately followed by 70x2

Side Bends:

100x10 on left oblique, 100x7 on right oblique

Saturday, May 31, 2008


Deadlifts (haven't done these in too long):

185x6, 225x6, 245x6, 275x6, 315x1 (FAIL), 295x1, 315x1(FAIL)

apparently I can't deadlift 315 anymore... doh

A few sets of upright rows/overhead presses for shoulders.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Worst workout ever... felt really weak.


Incline Bench:
165x6, 165x6, 165x6, 175x3, 175x1

Close-grip Pullups:
4 sets x 10, 1 set x9

Leg Raises:
32.5x6, 30x3

Weighted Decline Situps:
35's x 5

100x6 on each side

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

5/19 - 5/20


Egg whites / ham omelette + potatoes + 2 slcs wheat toast
Salmon + salad + fruit
Salmon omelette + fruit + salad
2 microwaveable dinners - shrimp pasta / chicken alfredo pasta
Egg whites / ham omelette + potatoes + 2 slcs wheat toast
1 slice wheat bread
40g protein
2 cans tuna

Saturday, May 17, 2008




175x3 (last one was a power clean because I forgot to drop)
185x1 (power clean)
175x2 (last one was a power clean again)


Izze, Turkey Sandwich, Tuna Sandwich, Izze, 40g protein, 40g protein, 50g protein, Pork Cold Cut Footlong from Subway, Chicken Breast Footlong from Subway, Milk

Thursday, May 15, 2008



40g protein, Wheat Thins + Hummus, Cashews, 2 Izzes, Steak/Pasta/Spinach/2% milk, Coffee Mocha/Tuna Sandwich, Steak/Chicken breast, Izze, Ham/Egg/Potato Burrito, 1/2 Bagel + Smoked Salmon

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Midterms sucked. (Hence lack of eating/lifting/posting.)


Mango Juice
40g protein
40g protein
BBQ Ribs
Chicken Avocado Sandwich
Egg Whites/Ham Omelette / potatoes / wheat toast
Salmon / Salad / Watermelon


Incline Bench:

135 x 6, 155 x 6, 165 x 6, 175 x 6, 185 x 4 (the spotter had his hands on the bar though), 175x4, 175x3

Weighted Chin-ups:

60x4, 70x3, 80x3, 80x3, 90x2, 105x1 (not sure if my chin cleared the bar since it happened pretty fast, so I went for 100), 100x1

Assisted 1-arm chins:

58 lb. assist x 4 per arm

Weighted Situps:

2 40's x 10, 2 35's x 4

Weighted Leg Raises:

30 x 6


40's x 4 immediately followed by 35's x 3

Dumbbell Overhead Press:

50's x 4

Oblique Side Bends:

100x7 per side

Did another quick workout with my partner later on consisting of shadow boxing for a little cardio, one arm pushups, and a few curls.

Sunday, May 11, 2008



Izze, Roast Beef Sandwich, Izze, Boba, Tuna Sandwich, 2 pieces salmon + small rice/salad, 40g protein

Saturday, May 10, 2008



Front squats - 135 x 10, 145 x 10, 150 x 10, 155 x 10, 160 x 4, 185 x 1
Lunges - 3 on each leg with 75 lbs
Calf raises - 1 set of 30 on each leg


Izze, 40g protein, turkey + lettuce + olives + onions, 40g protein + milk, 3 tuna sandwiches, Izze, 40g protein

Thursday, May 8, 2008



Beef + Green Beans
Beef Fajitas + Egg Whites + Wheat Toast
Microwaveable dinner
40g protein + 0.5L milk
2 cans tuna

Wednesday, May 7, 2008



Incline Bench Press
145 x 6, 165 x 6, 175 x 5, 175 x 5, 185 x 1

Weighted Chin-ups
40 x 6, 45 x 6, 55 x 5 (barely missed the 6th), 60 x 5 (barely missed the 6th), 70 x 3

Leg Raises
32.5 x 7, 30 x 5

Weighted Situps
42.5's x 3... should've dropped the weight

35's x 10 immediately followed by 32.5's x 2 immediately followed by 30's x 2

Dumbbell Overhead Press
50's x 7

Oblique Side Bends
100 x 7 on each side (grip kept failing)

Apparently I weigh 170... I expected at least 175...


Cheerios, 40g protein, Izze, Vitamin Water, 2 microwaveable dinners, Meat Loaf + mashed potatoes + vegetables + bread, milk, Vitamin Water, cashews, egg white ham omelet with potatoes and 2 slices wheat toast, 2 microwaveable dinners, 40g protein

Tuesday, May 6, 2008



3 microwaveable dinners - lean cuisines
Beef, 3 pcs sushi, salad, rice, fruit
Denny's Grand Slam - oatmeal, 1 pancake, hash browns, 2 egg whites
Chicken w/ Avocado + fruit
40g protein

Monday, May 5, 2008




185 x 6, 225 x 6, 245 x 6, 265 x 6, 285 x 3, 300 x 1, 315 x 1


Cheerios, 40g protein, some milk, 3 subway footlongs, grapefruit Izze, some cashews, steak/egg breakfast burrito, hash browns, orange juice, 40g protein, 40g protein

Saturday, May 3, 2008



Few sets of one-leg high rep calf raises... I should really find a new way to work calves.
Since the gym was unexpectedly closed I just did a bunch of sets of dumbbell overhead presses and curls.


Halibut + Couscous + Green/Yellow Beans + Carrots
Chicken w/ Avocado sandwich + fruit
40g protein
1/4 gallon milk
1/2 of a ham / egg white / cheese sandwich
2 microwaveable dinners - salisbury "steak", chicken parmigiana (even though they're Healthy Choice, they still have a lot of sodium)
40g protein

Friday, May 2, 2008


Damn, I forgot to blog for the first time yesterday. All I remember yesterday is that I ate another 1/2 can of nuts right before sleeping and doing 3 sets of single-leg calf raises.

Couldn't eat that much today (again) due to a super tough algorithms set.


Peach Mangosteen Naked Juice
1.5 chicken breasts
green beans/olives
random melon soda thing that had a marble in the drink
egg white omelet with ham/green peppers/onions - damn this thing probably had 12+ egg whites and only cost $5.50 + sourdough bread + potatoes
half of a egg white / ham / cheese sandwich on wheat
40g protein

Wednesday, April 30, 2008



5 sets of 100m dashes

I thought this was going to be brutal, but it wasn't that bad. After I realized that I should take longer strides, I beat my partner for the last 2 sets.


BBQ Pork
Strawberry Ice Cream
Few cups of milk
3 microwaveable dinners
Chunk of pork
40g protein
1/2 can Mixed Nuts

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Was planning to do front squats, but I decided I would save the energy and have a really awful sprinting session tomorrow.


Few handfuls of Cheerios
40g protein
Meatball Pasta
Microwaveable Chicken Parmesan dinner
Mashed Potatoes
Large chunk of pork
40g protein

Sunday, April 27, 2008



Subway Footlong Prime Rib
1 cup milk
Subway Footlong Roast Beef
Granola Bar
Subway Footlong Chicken Breast
40g protein



Dumbell Bench

70's x 10
80's x 10
80's x 6
70's x 9

One Arm Dumbell Row

85 x 10
90 x 10
90 x 10
95 x 10

For some reason my abs couldn't do anything today, so I just skipped them.


37.5 x 3 immediately followed by
35 x 3 immediately followed by
32.5 x 2

Overhead Press

47.5's x 6


Few handfuls of Cheerios
0.5L milk + 40g protein
0.5L milk + 40g protein
1/4 gallon milk
Subway Footlong Chicken

Damn lactose intolerance.

Friday, April 25, 2008



Few sets of high rep calf raises


1/4 box Cheerios
0.5L milk + 40g protein
Cream of Mushroom Hotdog Soup
Baked Portuguese Chicken
Fish Ball Noodle Soup
Shrimp / Dumpling Noodle Soup
Red Bean Ice
Subway Footlong Chicken Cheese Bacon BBQ


Couldn't eat that much today due to a tough Algorithms set.


Few handfuls of Cheerios
0.5L milk + 40g protein
Turkey breast + Beef + Salad
Hamburger + Pasta + Fruit + Grapefruit/Orange Juice
Vitamin Water
Mixed Nuts
2 Granola Bars
Ham Omelet + Potatoes + Wheat Bread
0.5L milk + 40g protein

Thursday, April 24, 2008





(on each leg)

115 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5


Several handfuls of Cheerios
Beef + 3 Egg Whites + Salad
Salmon + Caesar Salad
1L milk
3 microwaveable dinners - lasagna, chicken pasta, salisbury steak
Vitamin Water
30g protein
2 cans tuna

Wednesday, April 23, 2008



Roast pork, chicken, Korean ribs
Papaya juice
Couscous + Steam Vegetables + Slices of pork
1/3 gallon milk
1/4 box cheerios

Monday, April 21, 2008



Dumbell Bench:

85's x 6
90's x 6
95's x 4
100's x 1
95's x 3

One-Arm Dumbell Row:

85 x 10
90 x 8
95 x 6
100 x 6
95 x 7

Leg Raises:

30 x 4

Weighted Situps:

40's x 7
30's x 10

Dumbell Curls:

40's x 3 immediately followed by
37.5's x 3 immediately followed by
32.5's x 4

Tricep Extensions:

70 x 3 immediately followed by
60 x 3

Side Bends:

100 x 7 for left oblique
100 x 6 for right oblique


several handfuls of Cheerios
60g protein
Large turkey/chicken breast cold cut + salad - olives, red onions, green peppers, mushrooms, mixed berries, baby corn
2 microwaveable dinners (chicken / turkey)
chicken breast / avocado sandwich
steamed vegetables + a little couscous
2 small slices of pork

Sunday, April 20, 2008



2/5 gallon milk
Several handfuls of Cheerios
Subway Footlong Subway Club
Subway Footlong Oven-Roasted Chicken Breast
30g protein
Cup of hot chocolate
In-n-Out triple burger

Saturday, April 19, 2008



Few sets of high-rep calf raises


Subway Footlong Mediterranean Chicken
Subway Footlong Italian BMT
1/2 gallon milk
1/4 box cheerios
90g protein
Izze - Blackberry

Friday, April 18, 2008




275x1 (FAIL)


Few cups of milk
Roast Beef / Salad
2 pieces breaded chicken / pasta
3 microwaveable turkey or chicken dinners
60g protein
1/3 box of Cheerios



30g protein
Large Cold Cut/Salad - Roast Beef, Turkey Breast, Chicken Breast, lettuce, green peppers, red onions, mushrooms, black olives
Vitamin Water
Guava Juice
1 3/4 Chicken Avocado sandwich
Mangosteen / Pear Naked juice
30g protein
1/3 gallon milk

Wednesday, April 16, 2008



Dumbell Bench:

85's x 6
90's x 6
95's x 3
90's x 5
100's x 1

One-Arm Dumbell Row:

85 x 8
90 x 10
95 x 6
100 x 6
100 x 4 on right arm, x 6 on left arm

Leg Raises:

32.5 x 10
32.5 x 4 + lighter reps to failure

Dumbell Curls:

37.5's x 7 immediately followed by 35's x 2


1 set of 22

Side Bends:

95 x 10 for left oblique
95 x 8 for right oblique


Chicken Caprice sandwich
4 BBQ ribs
1/2 gallon milk
1 1/2 vitamin waters
30g whey protein

Tuesday, April 15, 2008



Chicken Sandwich
1/2 gallon milk
2 pieces of fish
1 piece of chicken
3 small slices of bread
microwaveable chicken pasta
30g whey protein



185x1 power clean



2 Chicken/Avocado sandwiches
3 protein shakes
1/2 gallon fat-free milk
triple burger
watermelon naked juice
vitamin water